Search for dissertations about: "Knowledge management"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 1942 swedish dissertations containing the words Knowledge management.

  1. 1. Stressing Knowledge : Organisational closed-ness and knowledge acquisition under pressure

    Author : Mats Koraeus; J.A. Verbeek; Fredrik Bynander; K. Lauche; P. 't Hart; E.K. Stern; M.H. Leyenaar; M.G. Valenta; S.L. Resodihardjo; Charles F. Parker; Försvarshögskolan; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; crisis management; knowledge management; organisational learning; organisational behaviour; expertise; advisory; Statsvetenskap med inriktning mot krishantering och internationell samverkan; Statsvetenskap med inriktning mot krishantering och internationell samverkan;

    Abstract : Organisations have been analytically conceptualised as being somewhat analogous to individuals for a long time. They have culture; they can learn; and they can behave in various odd ways. READ MORE

  2. 2. In search of known unknowns : an empirical investigation of the peripety of a knowledge management system

    Author : Leon Michael Caesarius; Jan Lindvall; Lars Engwall; Jannis Kallinikos; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; knowledge management systems; knowledge management endeavours; knowledge management; knowledge; knowledge creation; information technology; automating; informating; Business studies; Företagsekonomi;

    Abstract : In their quest to secure their level of competitiveness, organizations have turned their attention to a specific type of information technology (IT) solution referred to as knowledge management systems (KMS). Research recurrently views and defines such system as IT-tools that mainly enable the collection, storing and diffusion of knowledge within the boundaries of the organization. READ MORE

  3. 3. Lessons Learned in Knowledge Managment - the case of construction

    Author : Mats Persson; Byggproduktion; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Construction technology; Industriell ekonomi; Anläggningsteknik; Quality Management; Project Management; Knowledge Management; Construction sector; Commercial and industrial economics;

    Abstract : The construction sector has been criticised in recent years for being inefficient. The critique involved describes finished buildings as having flaws and there being a lack of interest within the construction sector in assembling knowledge and sharing experience. READ MORE

  4. 4. Standardized Knowledge Transfer : A study of Project-Based Organizations in the Construction and IT Sectors

    Author : Irene Martinsson; Marianne Nilson; Anders Söderholm; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; standardization; knowledge formation; knowledge transfer; project management; knowledge management; Business studies; Företagsekonomi; Business Administration; företagsekonomi;

    Abstract : Standardized knowledge transfer in project-based organizations is analyzed. The empirical material considered comes from 11 recurring projects from two sectors: the construction sector and the IT sector. READ MORE

  5. 5. Reuse of Engineering Knowledge: Perspectives on Experience-Based Codified Knowledge in Incremental Product Development

    Author : Daniel Stenholm; Chalmers tekniska högskola; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; engineering knowledge; knowledge management life cycle; engineering checksheet; knowledge assets; experience-based knowledge; knowledge reuse; knowledge management;

    Abstract : Product development is a knowledge-intensive activity and as products become more complex and competition intensifies, the amount of knowledge increases. A prerequisite for engineers who apply current best practices and continuously improve their working methodologies is to efficiently reuse existing knowledge. READ MORE