Search for dissertations about: "cigs photovoltaic"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 8 swedish dissertations containing the words cigs photovoltaic.

  1. 1. Recycling of selenium from CIGS solar cell materials

    Author : Anna Gustafsson; Chalmers tekniska högskola; []
    Keywords : NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; CIGS; Recycling; Thin film; Photovoltaic; Solar cells;

    Abstract : Today the importance of solar cells as a power source is growing due to the environmental advantages compared to fossil fuels. One of the most promising new solar cell materials, resulting in high efficiency solar cells, is copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS). READ MORE

  2. 2. Modelling and Degradation Characteristics of Thin-film CIGS Solar Cells

    Author : Ulf Malm; Marika Edoff; Lars Stolt; James R. Sites; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; solar cells; thin-film; chalcogenide; stability; characterization; modelling; simulations; finite element method; CIGS; photovoltaic module; Electronics; Elektronik;

    Abstract : Thin-film solar cells based around the absorber material CuIn1-xGaxSe2 (CIGS) are studied with respect to their stability characteristics, and different ways of modelling device operation are investigated. Two ways of modelling spatial inhomogeneities are detailed, one fully numerical and one hybrid model. READ MORE

  3. 3. By Means of Beams : Laser Patterning and Stability in CIGS Thin Film Photovoltaics

    Author : Per-Oskar Westin; Marika Edoff; Uwe Zimmermann; Lars Stolt; Friedrich Kessler; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Laser patterning; laser ablation; laser micro-welding; stability; Cu InGa Se2; CIGS; thin film solar cells; thin film photovoltaics; module technology; solar energy; Electronics; Elektronik; Teknisk fysik med inriktning mot elektronik; Engineering Science with specialization in Electronics;

    Abstract : Solar irradiation is a vast and plentiful source of energy. The use of photovoltaic (PV) devices to convert solar energy directly to electrical energy is an elegant way of sustainable power generation which can be distributed or in large PV plants based on the need. READ MORE

  4. 4. Design and Stability of Cu(In,Ga)Se2-Based Solar Cell Modules

    Author : Johan Wennerberg; Michael Powalla; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Electronics; Thin film solar cells; CIGS; Cu In; Ga Se2; stability; lifetime; testing; Elektronik; Electronics; Elektronik; Elektronik; Electronics;

    Abstract : Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) is one of the most promising semiconductor compounds for large-scale production of efficient, low-cost thin film solar cells, and several research institutes have announced their plans for CIGS production lines. But for the CIGS technology to become a commercial success, a number of issues concerning manufacturability, product definition, and long-term stability require further attention. READ MORE

  5. 5. Sputtering-based processes for thin film chalcogenide solar cells on steel substrates

    Author : Patrice Bras; Charlotte Platzer-Björkman; Eric Jaremalm; Jan Sterner; Veronica Bernudez; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : CIGS; CZTS; solar cell; photovoltaics; thin film; sputtering; annealing; gallium grading; blister; uniformity; stainless steel; Teknisk fysik med inriktning mot elektronik; Engineering Science with specialization in Electronics;

    Abstract : Thin film chalcogenide solar cells are promising photovoltaic technologies. Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS)-based devices are already produced at industrial scale and record laboratory efficiency surpasses 22 %. Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 (CZTS) is an alternative material that is based on earth-abundant elements. READ MORE