Search for dissertations about: "electrical train"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 82 swedish dissertations containing the words electrical train.

  1. 1. Wireless Sensor Network Systems in Harsh Environments and Antenna Measurement Techniques

    Author : Mathias Grudén; Anders Rydberg; Mikael Gidlund; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Wireless Sensor Network; Antenna; Jet engine; Train; Reverberation chamber; WISENET; Wisejet; Engineering Science with specialization in Microwave Technology; Teknisk fysik med inriktning mot mikrovågsteknik;

    Abstract : Wireless sensor network (WSN) has become a hot topic lately. By using WSN things that previously were difficult or impossible to measure has now become available. One of the main reasons using WSN for monitoring is to save money by cost optimization and/or increase safety by letting the user knowing the physical status of the monitored structure. READ MORE

  2. 2. Design Optimization in Industrial Robotics : Methods and Algorithms for Drive Train Design

    Author : Marcus Pettersson; Johan Ölvander (Andersson); Torgny Brogårdh; Jorge Angeles; Linköpings universitet; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Robot manufacturers; industrial robot; robot design; Electrical engineering; Elektroteknik;

    Abstract : Robot manufacturers, like many other manufacturers, are experiencing increasing competition in a global market where one way to confront the challenge is by making the development process more efficient. One way to speed up the time to market for new products is to take advantage of design optimization based on simulation models. READ MORE

  3. 3. Power Flow Analysis of the Swedish Railway Electrical System

    Author : Magnus Olofsson; Göran Andersson; Elkraftteknik KTH; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Electrical Engineering; Elektro- och systemteknik;

    Abstract : This thesis deals with analysis of the steady state power flow in the Swedish railway electrical system. Finding the steady state of the system means that all voltages and power flows in the system are known. The trains are supplied from the public grid using frequency converters. READ MORE

  4. 4. Efficient driving of CBTC ATO operated trains

    Author : William Carvajal Carreño; Paloma Cucala García; Antonio Fernández-Cardador; Lennart Söder; Rafael Palacios Hielscher; KTH; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Energy efficiency; CBTC signalling system; ATO; Metro; Ecodriving; NSGA-II-F; pseudo-Pareto front; Tracking algorithm; Fuzzy parameters; Moving-block; Train Simulation.; Electrical Engineering; Elektro- och systemteknik; Energy Technology; Energiteknik; Transportvetenskap; Transport Science;

    Abstract : Energy consumption reduction is one of the priorities of metro operators, due to financial cost and environmental impact. The new signalling system Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) is being installed in new and upgraded metro lines to increase transportation capacity. READ MORE

  5. 5. Electromagnetic Interference in Distributed Outdoor Electrical Systems, with an Emphasis on Lightning Interaction with Electrified Railway Network

    Author : Nelson Theethayi; Rajeev Thottappillil; Farhad Rachidi; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Electrical engineering; Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC ; Lightning; Lightning Protection; Transmission Lines; Electromagnetic Wave Propagation; Underground Cables; Grounding; Electromagnetic Transients; Electromagnetic Interference; Shielding Effectiveness; Railway Systems; Elektroteknik; elektronik och fotonik; Electrical engineering; electronics and photonics; Elektroteknik; elektronik och fotonik;

    Abstract : This thesis deals with the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems of distributed electrical networks, especially that caused by lightning to electrified railway. Lightning transients were found to damage important devices that control train movements, causing traffic stoppage and delays. READ MORE