Search for dissertations about: "mixed methods research"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 524 swedish dissertations containing the words mixed methods research.

  1. 1. The Dynamics of Extratextual Translatorship in Contemporary Sweden : A Mixed Methods Approach

    Author : Elin Svahn; Yvonne Lindqvist; Kaisa Koskinen; Helle V. Dam; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; translation studies; translation sociology; sociology of translators; translatorship; extratextual translatorship; mixed methods research; qualitative longitudinal research; questionnaire; focus groups; interviews; thematic analysis; Translation Studies; översättningsvetenskap;

    Abstract : This thesis is concerned with Swedish translators and the society in which they work. It begins with an exploration of the concept of translatorship, leading up to a three-part distinction of 1) textual translatorship, 2) paratextual translatorship, and 3) extratextual translatorship. READ MORE

  2. 2. Raising the (roll)bar : exploring barriers and facilitators to research translation in US public health

    Author : Pamela J. Tinc; Kristina Lindvall; Lars Weinehall; Julie Sorensen; Paul Jenkins; Per Nilsen; Umeå universitet; []
    Keywords : MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; implementation science; research to practice; scale-up; Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research; Proctor taxonomy of implementation outcomes; evidence-based practices; stakeholder engagement; rollover protective systems; tractor overturns; farm safety; occupational safety; injury prevention; Public health; folkhälsa;

    Abstract : Background In public health, implementation science work is crucial to protecting the safety and health of populations. Despite this, such efforts have been extremely limited within the specific public health field of occupational safety and health. READ MORE

  3. 3. Thinking beyond the Cure : a constructive design research investigation into the patient experience of radiotherapy

    Author : Tara Mullaney; Erik Stolterman; Helena Pettersson; Johan Redström; Jodi Forlizzi; Umeå universitet; []
    Keywords : HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; constructive design research; patient experience of radiotherapy; actor networks; design experiments; composite methodology; mixed-methods; prototyping; design research; research through design;

    Abstract : This constructive design research dissertation aims to understand how design can be used as part of a composite research approach to generate knowledge about how complex phenomena are composed through their interactions and relationships with various actors, both human and non-human. It has done this by investigating a single phenomenon, the patient experience of radiotherapy. READ MORE

  4. 4. The Sociality of Gaming : A mixed methods approach to understanding digital gaming as a social leisure activity

    Author : Lina Eklund; Karin Bergmark; Lars Udehn; Mia Consalvo; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; Digital games; video games; computer games; online gaming; gender; sociality; social relationships; social interaction; everyday life; MMO; World of Warcraft; Sociology; sociologi;

    Abstract : This dissertation is an exploration of the practice of social digital gaming, using a mixed methods approach with complementary data and analytical methods. The main themes are the prevalence and meaning of gamers’ experiences of social gaming and the underlying structures limiting or assisting social gaming, both material and social. READ MORE

  5. 5. Midwives’ Collective Attitude towards Labour Pain: Mixed Methods Research

    Author : Shurouq Hawamdeh; Göteborgs universitet; []
    Keywords : MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; childbirth; collective attitude; midwives; women; knowledge; perception; expectation; labour pain; mixed methods; Jordan;

    Abstract : Background: The majority of women in Jordan give birth in public hospitals where midwives are the main birth attendants. Although most women have trust in their midwives, studies have reported women’s dissatisfaction with childbirth, fears of painful labour, and experiences of ineffective pain management during childbirth. READ MORE