Search for dissertations about: "Ground effect"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 337 swedish dissertations containing the words Ground effect.

  1. 1. An experimental investigation of spur gear efficiency and temperature : A comparison between ground and superfinished surfaces

    Author : Martin Andersson; Ulf Olofsson; Bengt-Göran Rosén; KTH; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; gears; ground; superfinished; efficiency; temperature; running-in; dip lubrication; spray lubrication; Machine Design; Maskinkonstruktion;

    Abstract : This thesis focuses on reliability when testing gear efficiency and on how gear mesh efficiency can be increased without detrimental effects on the gears. Test equipment commonly used in gear research was analysed to identify important parameters for gear efficiency testing. READ MORE

  2. 2. Artificial Ground Freezingin Clayey Soils : Laboratory and Field Studies of Deformations During Thawing at the Bothnia Line

    Author : Teddy Johansson; Staffan Hintze; Håkan Stille; Sven Knutsson; Kauko Kujala; KTH; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Artificial ground freezing; AGF; thaw deformation; deformation; thawing; frost heaving; Bothnia Line.; Artificiell markfrysning; artificiell jord- och bergfrysning; AGF; tiningsdeformation; deformation; tining; tjälhävning; Botniabanan; Geoengineering; Geoteknik;

    Abstract : Artificial ground freezing as a method to temporarily stabilize and create hydraulic sealing in urban as well as in rural areas has been used in a number of Swedish construction projects, particularly during the last decade. One problem with the freezing of soil and rock is that fine-grained clayey types of soils have showed a tendency to under certain circumstances, during the thawing process, create a pore water overpressure and to consolidate, despite a change in the external loading conditions. READ MORE

  3. 3. Above Ground Durability of Swedish Softwood

    Author : Åsa Blom; Mikael Bergström; Thomas Thörnqvist; Birger Eikenes; Växjö universitet; []
    Keywords : above ground; durability; field test; mass loss; Mycologg; Norway spruce; permeability; Picea abies; Pinus sylvestris; Scots pine; FORESTRY; AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES and LANDSCAPE PLANNING; SKOGS- och JORDBRUKSVETENSKAP samt LANDSKAPSPLANERING;

    Abstract : This thesis describes aspects of durability of Swedish softwood in above ground applications. The thesis consists of a summary of nine papers, which all aim to explain the existing variation in above ground microbial durability and moisture sensitivity of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). READ MORE

  4. 4. Prediction of Strong Ground Motion and Hazard Uncertainties

    Author : Behrooz Tavakoli; Ota Kulhanek; Dieter Mayer-Rosa; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; Geophysics; Disaggregation; Ground motion; Monte Carlo simulation; Seismic hazard; Geofysik; Geophysics; Geofysik; Geofysik med inriktning mot seismologi; Geophysics with specialization in Seismology;

    Abstract : The purpose of this thesis is to provide a detailed description of recent methods and scientific basis for characterizing earthquake sources within a certain region with distinct tectonic environments. The focus will be on those characteristics that are most significant to the ground-shaking hazard and on how we can incorporate our current knowledge into hazard analyses for engineering design purposes. READ MORE

  5. 5. Running-in of gears from a surfacetransformation and efficiency point of view

    Author : Mario Sosa; Ulf Olofsson; Lars Mattsson; KTH; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; running-in; surface transformation; efficiency; gears; ground; su- perfinished; Energy Technology; Energiteknik; Machine Design; Maskinkonstruktion;

    Abstract : Requirements today for machines have moved beyond functionality intoefficiency and reliability, gears are no exception. The presented work focuseson the analysis of the measurement, evolution and effect of running-in on geardrives from a surface roughness and efficiency point of view. READ MORE