Search for dissertations about: "Heli Aramo-immonen"

Found 1 swedish dissertation containing the words Heli Aramo-immonen.

  1. 1. Project management ontology : the organizational learning perspective

    Author : Heli Aramo-Immonen; Kaj U. Koskinen; Jari Palomäki; Finland Tampere Tampere University of Technology; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; Mega-project; project learning; organizational learning; systems thinking; activity theory; management ontology;

    Abstract : In a recent interview with the Financial Times, the chief executive of Royal Dutch Shell, Mr. Jeroen van der Veer, said he “keeps faith in ‘elephant’ projects” referring to the Russian gas mega-project that Shell had fallen eight months behind schedule with and had cost overruns twice the original estimate. Mr. READ MORE