Search for dissertations about: "SSU rRNA"

Found 2 swedish dissertations containing the words SSU rRNA.

  1. 1. Phylogenetic characterization of microbial mats and isolation of Thermus spp. and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria from Icelandic hot springs

    Author : Sigurlaug Skirnisdottir; Bioteknik; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; Biochemical technology; hot springs; thermophiles; microbial diversity; SSU rRNA; sulfur-oxidizers; Thermus; Biotechnology; Bioteknik; Biochemistry; Biokemi; Metabolism; Biokemisk teknik;

    Abstract : Until recently, the only way to describe microbial communities was by cultivation. This is a major obstacle because typically only a small fraction of the microbes can be cultivated by standard techniques. However, the use of rRNA and molecular phylogenetic techniques has allowed us to bypass this limitation. READ MORE

  2. 2. Diversity of thermostable DNA enzymes from Icelandic hot springs

    Author : Sigridur Hjorleifsdottir; Bioteknik; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; thermophiles; microbial diversity; SSU rRNA; Thermus; hot springs; Biotechnology; Bioteknik; Biochemistry; enzymologi; Proteiner; enzymology; metabolism; Proteins; DNA enzymes; Biokemi;

    Abstract : The diversities of bacteria as well as thermostable DNA enzymes in Icelandic hot springs were studied using different techniques. First of all the bacterial diversity of different microbial mats as well as sediment samples was described by using both molecular methods and cultivation methods. READ MORE