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Found 3 swedish dissertations matching the above criteria.

  1. 1. Delving in the Dark : Searching for Signatures of Non-Standard Physics in Cosmological and Astrophysical Observables

    Author : Janina J. Renk; Joakim Edsjö; Pat Scott; Felix Kahlhöfer; David F. Mota; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; cosmology; gravitation; Galileon; dark energy; dark matter; cosmic superstrings; neutrino mass; parameter inference; teoretisk fysik; Theoretical Physics;

    Abstract : The dark sectors of our Universe, dark matter and dark energy, together constitute about 96 % of the total energy content of the Universe. To date, we only have observational evidence for their existence. READ MORE

  2. 2. Supersymmetry vis-à-vis Observation : Dark Matter Constraints, Global Fits and Statistical Issues

    Author : Yashar Akrami; Joakim Edsjö; Lars Bergström; Roberto Trotta; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; supersymmetry; cosmology of theories beyond the Standard Model; dark matter; gamma rays; dwarf galaxies; direct detection; statistical techniques; scanning algorithms; genetic algorithms; statistical coverage; Astroparticle physics; Astropartikelfysik; Cosmology; Kosmologi; Astroparticle physics; Astropartikelfysik; teoretisk fysik; Theoretical Physics;

    Abstract : Weak-scale supersymmetry is one of the most favoured theories beyond the Standard Model of particle physics that elegantly solves various theoretical and observational problems in both particle physics and cosmology. In this thesis, I describe the theoretical foundations of supersymmetry, issues that it can address and concrete supersymmetric models that are widely used in phenomenological studies. READ MORE

  3. 3. Astrophysical probes of axionlike particles

    Author : Eike Christoph Ravensburg; M. C. David Marsh; Frank Wilczek; Joerg Jaeckel; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : NATURVETENSKAP; NATURAL SCIENCES; astroparticle physics; axions; supernovae; physics beyond the standard model; dark matter; Theoretical Physics; teoretisk fysik;

    Abstract : This thesis is a contribution to the search for new fundamental physics in the form of axionlike particles (ALPs). ALPs are relatively light and feebly interacting particles that are part of many theories extending the Standard Model of particle physics, e.g. READ MORE