Search for dissertations about: "freight"

Showing result 21 - 25 of 154 swedish dissertations containing the word freight.

  1. 21. Modelling Intermodal Freight Transport - The Potential of Combined Transport in Sweden

    Author : Jonas Flodén; Göteborgs universitet; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; Intermodal transport; Combined transport; Modelling; Freight transport; Sweden; Potential; Heuristics; Environment;

    Abstract : .... READ MORE

  2. 22. Towards environmentally sustainable freight transport: shippers' logistics actions to improve load factor performance

    Author : Vendela Santén; Chalmers tekniska högskola; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; sustainability; systems approach; shipper; logistics activities; links; performance; load factor; freight transport; environment; actions;

    Abstract : The purpose of this thesis is to explain how shippers’ logistics actions contribute to environmentally sustainable freight transport, by clarifying the link between logistics activities and the resulting load factor performance. Five studies have been undertaken, which have given rise to six papers. READ MORE

  3. 23. Essays on operational freight transport efficiency and sustainability

    Author : Niklas Arvidsson; Göteborgs universitet; []
    Keywords : SAMHÄLLSVETENSKAP; SOCIAL SCIENCES; operational freight transport efficiency; operator; sustainability; logisticts; phronetic;

    Abstract : .... READ MORE

  4. 24. Roadblocks to Implement Electric Freight Transports : Challenges for Commercial Vehicle Manufacturers and Hauliers

    Author : Jorge Gutiérrez Chiriboga; Magnus Blinge; Maria Huge-Brodin; Uni Sallnäs; Lisa Govik; Linköpings universitet; []

    Abstract : The freight transport industry is crucial for the global economy and a key element of all supply chains and logistics systems. The demand for freight is expected to more than double over the next three decades. Freight transport’s externalities and negative impact on the environment have been highlighted in previous research and reports. READ MORE

  5. 25. Freight Transportation Operations and Information Sharing

    Author : Henrik Sternberg; Chalmers tekniska högskola; []
    Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY; RFID; Logistics; Information sharing; Information systems; Transportation;

    Abstract : Freight transportation operations are becoming increasingly complex due to an escalating number of actors and infrastructure capacity bottlenecks. Today’s transportation operations rely on static procedures instead of being actively controlled to achieve effective synchronization of the actors’ operations, resulting in slow responses to events and long waiting times in the transportation setup. READ MORE