Search for dissertations about: "histone modification"

Showing result 11 - 15 of 44 swedish dissertations containing the words histone modification.

  1. 11. Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression : the role of histone modification and alternative splicing

    Author : Zheng Ge; Karolinska Institutet; Karolinska Institutet; []
    Keywords : ;

    Abstract : Telomerase, an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase responsible for telomeric DNA elongation, is silent in most normal differentiated human cells due to the tight repression of its catalytic unit, telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT), whereas constitutive hTERT expression and telomerase activation are prerequisites for cellular immortalization/malignant transformation. As reconfiguration of chromatin acts like a master on/off switch, determining whether particular genes are active or inactive, the project was specifically designed to first elucidate molecular strategies that integrate diverse signalling pathways at the hTERT chromatin and consequently result in telomerase activation or repression in normal and malignant human cells. READ MORE

  2. 12. Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Transcription in Hematopoietic Tumors

    Author : Marina Tshuikina Wiklander; Fredrik Öberg; Kenneth Nilsson; Ugo Testa; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : Medical sciences; IRF family; ICSBP IRF8; epigenetics; ATRA; TNFα; histone modifications; methylation; transcription; MEDICIN OCH VÅRD;

    Abstract : Epigenetic modifications were shown to play an essential role in tumorigenesis. Epigenetic mechanisms can alter transcription in several ways, through DNA methylation and/or through histone modification. DNA methylation at the TSS (transcriptional start site) has been implicated in tumor development and gene silencing. READ MORE

  3. 13. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in the vascular endothelium

    Author : Mia Magnusson; Göteborgs universitet; []
    Keywords : MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; epigenetics; histone acetylation; DNA methylation; t-PA; PLAT; HUVECs; valproic acid; gene expression; enhancers;

    Abstract : Epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, constitute one way for a cell or an organism to respond to changes in the surrounding environment. While histone modifications are recognized to be quite dynamic, DNA methylation has been considered a more stable, or long-term, modification. READ MORE

  4. 14. Visualizing Interacting Biomolecules In Situ

    Author : Irene Weibrecht; Ola Söderberg; Ulf Landegren; Banafshe Larijani; Uppsala universitet; []
    Keywords : MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; proximity ligation; in situ PLA; padlock probe; rolling circle amplification; flow cytometry; in situ; single cell; single molecule; protein interaction; protein-DNA interaction; posttranslational modification; Molecular medicine; Molekylär medicin; Molekylär medicin; Molecular Medicine;

    Abstract : Intra- and intercellular information is communicated by posttranslational modifications (PTMs) and protein-protein interactions, transducing information over cell membranes and to the nucleus. A cells capability to respond to stimuli by several highly complex and dynamic signaling networks provides the basis for rapid responses and is fundamental for the cellular collaborations required in a multicellular organism. READ MORE

  5. 15. Epigenetic Mapping in Type 2 Diabetes. Glucose-triggered histone modifications in various tissues

    Author : Bompada Pradeep; diabetes och endokrinologi Genomik; []
    Keywords : MEDICIN OCH HÄLSOVETENSKAP; MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES; Type 2 diabetes; epigenetics; histone modifications; genome editing; ChIP-seq; RNA-seq; pancreatic islets; diabetic kidney disease; peripheral blood mononuclear cells; atherosclerosis;

    Abstract : Epigenetic modifications triggered by high glucose may predispose to diabetes risk by regulating gene expression activity. A growing body of evidence suggests that histone modification which is an essential component of epigenetic mechanism may play an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its complications. READ MORE