Search for dissertations about: "religiös"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 24 swedish dissertations containing the word religiös.

  1. 1. The ocean of love : Middle Bengali sufi literature and the fakirs of Bengal

    Author : David Cashin; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; Bengali; Religiös litteratur; Sufism; Tantrism;

    Abstract : .... READ MORE

  2. 2. The Old, the New and the Unknown : The continents and the making of geographical knowledge in seventeenth-century Sweden

    Author : Charlotta Forss; Mats Hallenberg; Henrik Ågren; Kristiina Savin; Stockholms universitet; []
    Keywords : HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; historical geography; Ottoman Empire; colonial America; conceptual history; history of knowledge; history of cartography; history of science; religious geography; early modern history; historisk geografi; kartografi; begreppshistoria; kunskapshistoria; Osmanska riket; vetenskapshistoria; religiös geografi; tidigmodern historia; det koloniala Amerika; History; historia;

    Abstract : This thesis investigates early modern ways of looking at the world through an analysis of what the continents meant in three settings of knowledge making in seventeenth-century Sweden. Combining text, maps and images, the thesis analyses the meaning of the continents in, first, early modern scholarly ‘geography’, second, accounts of journeys to the Ottoman Empire and, third, accounts of journeys to the colony New Sweden. READ MORE

  3. 3. Not Just Any Water : Hinduism, Ecology and the Ganges Water Controversy

    Author : Sidsel Hansson; Centrum för öst- och sydöstasienstudier; []
    Keywords : HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; Ecology; Världsreligioner ej kristendom ; Hinduism Ganges river Religious change Environmental awareness; Non-Christian religions; Ekologi; Environmental health; Miljömedicin;

    Abstract : Whether the Ganges river in Varanasi (India) is pristinely pure or heavily polluted depends on by whom it qualities are defined, the Brahmin religious specialists in the city or the science oriented environmentalists. While the controversy continues, some Hindu religious leaders are searching for ways to adjust their respective traditions to the environmental paradigms, an initiative that reflects a larger global religious trend. READ MORE

  4. 4. Rural Women in Bangladesh : The Legal Status of Women and the Relationship between NGOs and Religious Groups

    Author : Abdel Baten Miaji; Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap; []
    Keywords : HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; NGOs; Islamology; Women in Bangladesh; nongovernment institutions; Gender; Rural Bangladesh; Qur an; Legal status of women; Islamists; Bangladeshi girls; Bangladesh; Village women; Islam; Women; Hadith; History of Religion;

    Abstract : Bangladesh is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. In spite of political turmoil, frequent natural disasters and widespread corruption it has, in less than four decades after its birth as an independent state, gained visible success in human development - especially the education of women and girls, family planning and health, and microcredit to the poor. READ MORE

  5. 5. Muslim Rights and Plights. The Religious Liberty Situation of a Minority in Sweden

    Author : Jonas Alwall; Centrum för teologi och religionsvetenskap; []
    Keywords : HUMANIORA; HUMANITIES; Theology; Religious Culture; Religious Minorities; Muslims; Islam; Integration; Immigrant Policy; Immigration; Minority Rights; Religious liberty; Human Rights; Teologi; Non-Christian religions; Världsreligioner ej kristendom ;

    Abstract : This dissertation deals with the religious liberty situation of the Muslim minority in Sweden. The Muslim minority has grown considerably in recent decades as a consequence of labour and refugee immigration of a large scale, which has caused a change in Swedish society from an etnically, culturally and religously homogeneous situation to one of a significant heterogeneity. READ MORE