Models and meaning : on management models and systems of meaning when implementing change

Abstract: Change has become a vital business partner for many organizations. Survival of most organizations depends on their ability to implement adequate changes to support the organization. This thesis deals with questions about measurement systems, process based system models and organizational change with a specific focus on implementation challenges.The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between management models and systems of meaning in change implementation processes and hopefully contribute to the understanding of organizational change through empirical research based on practical experience. To be able to accomplish the purpose, the following research questions have been formulated:1. How can a measurement system act as a driver for organizational change?2. How can business excellence models be designed to focus on stakeholder demands and organizational sustainability?3. How can the implementation of a process based system model help organizations to accelerate change?4. What is the role of management models when implementing change?The theoretical frame of reference is focusing on aspects of organizational change and systems thinking. Three papers, based on three case studies, are appended to the thesis. The first study deals with performance management systems, the second study is assessing the use of business excellence models and the third study is tracking the implementation of a process based system model in three organizations. The indications are that there could be easy gains to be realized in focusing on the measurement system and by adopting a process based approach focused on stakeholder satisfaction. Study 2 indicates that successful use of business excellence models requires effective deployment of basic quality-related values within the organization. However, organizations considering the use of BEMs need to have strong long-term commitment. The results from study 3 indicate that implementation of a system model focusing on processes, resources and a multiple stakeholder perspective aids management to accelerate change. The results also indicate that there are other more crucial success factors than the model as such. Key success factors seem to be: Strategic clarity, management decisiveness and perseverance. Finally, the network of gaps between change theory (meaning different theoretical and methodological considerations written in textbooks and articles) and change practice (meaning organizations trying to accomplish things based on interpreting textbooks and articles) is discussed.