Clustering in Swedish : The Impact of some Properties of the Swedish Language on Document Clustering and an Evaluation Method

Abstract: Text clustering divides a set of texts into groups, so that texts within each group are similar in content. It may be used to uncover the structure and content of unknown text sets as well as to give new perspectives on known ones. The contributions of this thesis are an investigation of text representation for Swedish and an evaluation method that uses two or more manual categorizations. Text clustering, at least such as it is treated here, is performed using the vector space model, which is commonly used in information retrieval. This model represents texts by the words that appear in them and considers texts similar in content if they share many words. Languages differ in what is considered a word. We have investigated the impact of some of the characteristics of Swedish on text clustering. Since Swedish has more morphological variation than for instance English we have used a stemmer to strip suffixes. This gives moderate improvements and reduces the number of words in the representation. Swedish has a rich production of solid compounds. Most of the constituents of these are used on their own as words and in several different compounds. In fact, Swedish solid compounds often correspond to phrases or open compounds in other languages.In the ordinary vector space model the constituents of compounds are not accounted for when calculating the similarity between texts. To use them we have employed a spell checking program to split compounds. The results clearly show that this is beneficial. The vector space model does not regard word order. We have tried to extend it with nominal phrases in different ways. Noneof our experiments have shown any improvement over using the ordinary model. Evaluation of text clustering results is very hard. What is a good partition of a text set is inherently subjective. Automatic evaluation methods are either intrinsic or extrinsic. Internal quality measures use the representation in some manner. Therefore they are not suitable for comparisons of different representations. External quality measures compare a clustering with a (manual) categorization of the same text set. The theoretical best possible value for a measure is known, but it is not obvious what a good value is -- text sets differ in difficulty to cluster and categorizations are more or less adapted to a particular text set. We describe an evaluation method for cases where a text set has more than one categorization. In such cases the result of a clustering can be compared with the result for one of the categorizations, which we assume is a good partition. We also describe the kappa coefficient as a clustering quality measure in the same setting.