Leaving the door ajar : young migrants’ sexual and reproductive health in Sweden

Abstract: Young people and migrants are both prioritized groups regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), but studies about the sexual andreproductive health (SRH) of young migrants in Sweden are scarce. The aim of this thesis was to study the SRH of young migrants in Sweden, and specifically to: 1) explore how do young migrants understand SRH, and how do they experience their sexual rights; and 2) examine how do young migrants perceive and experience the process of accessing SRH services, including their approachability, acceptability, adequacy and quality.This thesis is built upon three studies, which collected quantitative data (a national survey – Papers 1 and 2, and a youth clinics survey – Paper 3) and qualitative data (a qualitative study – Paper 4). The national survey is a population-based cross sectional study, which recruited 1773 newly arrived young migrants aged 16 to 29 years through visits to schools and other venues, letters sent home, and via a web survey. The data was analysed through descriptive statistics (Paper 1) and multivariate multiple linear regression (Paper 2). The youth clinic survey is a clinic-based cross-sectional study whichrecruited 1089 youths (118 had at least one parent born outside Sweden/Scandinavia) aged 16 to 25 years after their visit to a youth clinic in the four most northern regions in Sweden. I used multi-level analysis to analyse the data. The qualitative study builds upon 13 semi-structured interviews with newly arrived Arabic-speaking migrant men, which were analysed through qualitative thematic analysis.Young migrants understood SRH as both “essential” and a “right”. The sexual rights of young migrants in Sweden were less fulfilled, compared to those of other young people in Sweden, and there were differences between the various groups of young migrants. The rights of men; people identifying as non-binary; people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or asexual (LGBA); those born in South Asia; those without a residence permit; and people of low economic status were fulfilled to a lesser extent compared to their counterparts.Studying the process of accessing SRH services – including sexual education and information, and services related to sexual function, sexually transmitted diseases and gender-based violence, as well as infertility, pregnancy, delivery, contraceptives and abortion – showed barriers and facilitators. SRH serviceswere to a large extent non-approachable; almost half of those who needed these services in the national survey did not use them. SRH services were perceived, with some exceptions, as acceptable due to the “open environment” of Sweden; however, some young migrants faced a lack of cultural sensitivity in iv SRH services, low parental support, and fear of exposure, which decreased their acceptability of the services. Regarding adequacy, young migrants complained about long waiting times for receiving care particularly specialised care, and that SRH services did not take their problems seriously. Those who visited youth clinics, however, perceived them as providing convenient and timely services. The quality of SRH services was perceived as good in general; the majority of young migrants were satisfied with SRH services in the national survey and perceived youth clinics as very friendly. However, negative experiences were reported in the national survey, where almost half of those who visited SRH services had at least one negative experience in the five domains of respect, equity, quality of consultation, privacy and non-prejudice. Migrant youths also reported worse experiences in the youth clinic survey than Swedish/Scandinavian youths in the domains of respect, equity and quality of consultation. Their legal entitlement to access most SRH services, the availability of good quality services and the “open environment” facilitate young migrants’ access to SRH services, however, their limited access to sexual education and to information about the health system, and cultural insensitivity and cultural racism when providing information and services, are serious barriers to young migrants’ access to SRH services.