Early life stages of brown trout - Anti-predator responses under warming winters

Abstract: During winter, juvenile salmonids in boreal streams are vulnerable to predation, mainly from mammals and birds. Encounters with terrestrial predators can be reduced or avoided if fish limit activity to the darker periods of the day or to periods with surface ice. As piscivorous fish also are active in winter, they may be a threat under low light conditions when juvenile salmonids do not avoid terrestrial predators. Abiotic conditions, especially temperature, have major effects on fish in winter. High temperatures alter ice conditions in winter and lead to increased metabolism and physiological performance of fish. Water temperature also influences embryogenesis, with repercussions for fish throughout their life. Considering the rapid warming of winters in boreal regions, insights into how salmonids are adapted to winter conditions can aid in efforts to predict and mitigate anthropogenic effects that alter the winter environment.In this doctoral thesis, I explore anti-predator responses of brown trout (Salmo trutta) during its early life stages. I have examined the effects of predators, temperature, light and ice on the behaviour and physiology of juvenile trout during winter. In addition, I have studied how temperature and predators affect embryogenesis and the behaviour of fry after hatching. Anti-predator responses were evident in both the behaviour and physiology of juveniles and during embryogenesis. Trout exhibited diel behavioural changes when piscivorous fish were present, and were more vigilant towards piscivorous fish in darkness. Furthermore, temperature affected trout behaviour and physiology, with higher activity levels and lower mRNA expression of stress-related genes at higher temperatures. Trout also behaved differently depending on the temperature they experienced as eggs, as increased egg-incubation temperatures resulted in trout being more active and prone to risk taking.