Utilizing Research to Enhance Fire Service Knowledge

Abstract: This thesis explores the fire service workplace through full-scale experiments. Evidence-based information has been developed to be combined with firefighter experience to improve their knowledge of fire dynamics and the cause and effect impact of their tactics on life safety, property conservation, and incident stabilization. Multiple series of experiments examined how residential fire dynamics changed as firefighters deployed tactics such as horizontal ventilation,vertical ventilation, interior fire suppression, exterior fire suppression, and search & rescue. In addition, the fire service improvement model was analyzed and changes are offered. The two main changes include incorporating a foundation of fire dynamics knowledge and utilizing research to fill the existing gaps. Fire dynamics knowledge is imperative to ensure that as firefighters apply their Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs) at emergency incidents, what is experienced is both reliable and scientifically sound. Further benefits provided by research include understanding the impact of changes in the fire service work environment, better incorporation of evolutions in technology and tools, resolving conflicting experience, and understanding chronic health hazards, implications, and solutions. This integration of science-based knowledge and experience enables the fire service to better evaluate its strategies, tactics, andtasks, ensuring firefighters remain as efficient and effective as possible as they carry out their mission.