A Decision Support System for Integration Test Selection

Abstract: Software testing generally suffers from time and budget limitations. Indiscriminately executing all available test cases leads to sub-optimal exploitation of testing resources. Selecting too few test cases for execution on the other hand might leave a large number of faults undiscovered. Test case selection and prioritization techniques can lead to more efficient usage of testing resources and also early detection of faults. Test case selection addresses the problem of selecting a subset of an existing set of test cases, typically by discarding test cases that do not add any value in improving the quality of the software under test. Test case prioritization schedules test cases for execution in an order to increase their effectiveness at achieving some performance goals such as: earlier fault detection, optimal allocation of testing resources and reducing overall testing effort. In practice, prioritized selection of test cases requires the evaluation of different test case criteria, and therefore, this problem can be formulated as a multi-criteria decision making problem. As the number of decision criteria grows, application of a systematic decision making solution becomes a necessity. In this thesis, we propose a tool-supported framework using a decision support system, for prioritizing and selecting integration test cases in embedded system development. The framework provides a complete loop for selecting the best candidate test case for execution based on a finite set of criteria. The results of multiple case studies, done on a train control management subsystem from Bombardier Transportation AB in Sweden, demonstrate how our approach helps to select test cases in a systematic way. This can lead to early detection of faults while respecting various criteria. Also, we have evaluated a customized return on investment metric to quantify the economic benefits in optimizing system integration testing using our framework.